
Sunday, January 21, 2007

There is no definition of what is meant by wrong thing.

What exactly do we mean by "wrong thing" ?

It just means that we are doing things at a wrong time. By doing the same exact thing at the right time, and I mean RIGHT, you could be deemed as doing a right thing.

Whatever. If you understand what it means, then if understand. If not....

Semester has just started. Those who I poured my woes to will know I am emotionally unstable these few days. Some may know the exact cause while some may not. Whatever that is...it doesn't really matter anymore.

Life will be much better with the coming of a new week. Monday shall be a challenge. And I truly hate Mondays now. Arrrgg...

I shall win the every battle with my Naruta's spirit! And emerge as the champion of the WAR.


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