
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Proud of myself

Sometimes, I'm amazed at myself, at the things I'm able to do.

haha...Guess what, I have not been complaining and bitching about people or things as much these days.

Yipeee...of course there are a few instances when I just can't control myself... hahaha.. but then, they were just blunt comments... maybe I just tend to bitch around Rena...esp during tutorial class...

My life has been chaotic ever since the start of school... Project preparations and loads of meetings.... I finally get to feel the purpose of my existence. Busy Busy Busy.. but i'm loving it!

I had my first meeting with my JS team yesterday... got a bit high sia.. and kept laughing all the way.. I guess I'm intoxicated by the water I drank...But then again, it was a fruitful meeting. We all had our thinking caps on!

Monday shall be another tiring day. 2 more meetings awaiting me.. haha.. and lesson till 9. But, I'm waiting for lesson to end to have dinner with Weiying! I want to eat yummy Tomyam!

Jacelyn had flown off to US. I hope she is coping fine there.

Haiz.. something "malu" happened to me brainlessly.. sobzzz...

During JS tutorial, we were supposed to introduce ourselves.. and to say our names and interests. And guess what.. i told them my interest is to read journals regarding neuroscience. Sobzz... Yuxin said I sounded like a geek... sobbzzz sobbzzz sobbzz... other people said their interests were sports or watching tv.. or anything normal .... now I feel so silly...

But then again.. I'm a geek... heee. I love neuroscience.. and H*n too..

that's all for now... need to read up some more journals....


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Facts about me...

heee.. got this from Choy's blog.. me too want to write about me..

Egoistic ?


Here goes...

1) I am skeptical about loads of things although I don't voice it out.

2) I like green.

3) I always try to suppress placing judgments on people (although it doesn't really work)

4) I hate making new friends.

5) I like talking to people which are 5 years older than me. ( that excludes old people)

6) I like to chat with canteen stall holders.

7) I hate details.

8) I am open to premarital sex as long as it is the right moment.

9) I want to try smoking but do not have the courage to.

10) I hold a fetish for men who bring tissue papers and wear spectacles.

11) I have a split personality

12) I hate to talk to people who complain a lot.

13) I love to daydream and hate to be interrupted when I am daydreaming.

14) I am a cold blooded animal.

hmmm.. I seem to be talking all about my bad traits....


Sunday, January 21, 2007

There is no definition of what is meant by wrong thing.

What exactly do we mean by "wrong thing" ?

It just means that we are doing things at a wrong time. By doing the same exact thing at the right time, and I mean RIGHT, you could be deemed as doing a right thing.

Whatever. If you understand what it means, then if understand. If not....

Semester has just started. Those who I poured my woes to will know I am emotionally unstable these few days. Some may know the exact cause while some may not. Whatever that is...it doesn't really matter anymore.

Life will be much better with the coming of a new week. Monday shall be a challenge. And I truly hate Mondays now. Arrrgg...

I shall win the every battle with my Naruta's spirit! And emerge as the champion of the WAR.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Just back from watching "blood diamond". And I don't like it at all.

Too bloody. Maybe they should rename it as "bloody diamond". heee...

Im actually quite angry now. Someone opened my letter which contained my result for last semester. And bloody left it on my cupboard with not even a slightest intention of concealing the fact that they or he/she has invaded into my privacy! WHAT THE FUCK!

So what the talk about respecting each other? I'm thinking about ways to deal with the situation to avoid a bloodshed. And i definitely do not want to do anything now since as a psychology major, I know I will be more or less be influenced by the violent movie I see just now subconsciously.

Arrrggg.. what the ... I shall think about it when I am in a better mood tomorrow.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I didn't get one of my tutorial slot. And it wasn't my fault. Blab... He opened one more slot at the last moment without informing us. Well, his intellectual level is comparable to the amount of hair he has left. Well.. Well.. that means I need to participate in round 1B tomorrow. Balloting can really be a hassle. Yawn...

I need to have a clear mind, be focused and stay attentive. Today had been a very very very unproductive day. hahahh.. was supposed to be doing loads of stuff for my 6 hours break. In the end... hahaha.. went for a 2 hours lunch with Hoiting. Shopped at the bazaar and co op with Joanne, Rena and weying for another one and a half hour. Went back to the library. Was supposed to do some decent studying. In the end... spent half an hour watching bleach on my ipod. Sobbzzz.. After that, I went to met JAcelyn for a drink at Grinning Gecko for 1 hour. Sobzzz... The last one hour was spent surfing the net. Sinful me... sobbbzzzz...

Someone gave me a cold smile today. Actually, I don't really know how a cold smile looks like.. hahaha.. but the smile felt cold. Blab...Hope it will be a warm one the next time I see it...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I want to blog a long entry but there is nothing in my mind.

What should I write about?

School? Funtime? Or Crazy stuffs?

It sucks when you have nothing to do at home. I want to study but I don't know where to start. At a loss for my level 4000 module. Well well well, at least for now, I enjoy all my modules so far. I hope tutorials start soon and I get real busy.

Yesterday was quite fun. Took a ride in Yirong's car with June and Jo. Yippeee... Nice and cooling nice which was definitely an eye opener for me. Firstly, we went to Geylang to see women. But we only saw one because it was rainning and according to Yirong, they don't come out on rainning days. Well, what a letdown! Humph! We shall go there one day again. But the sad thing is , we didn't see Siangsiong also. whahahahaha

Later we went Changi Village to see ah kuas. We saw four in all. They were very pretty. Thumbs up for them! After seeing them, we set off to the airport hangar. It was real cool with the breeze blowing while the car drove passed the straight lane. We saw planes setting off and landing at the runway. I want to go there again!!!! The last place we went was a short cruise round SRAF yacht club and I mean SHORT. hahah.. just one round around the carpark. I love it!! It was a cool night!!

There are so much more to say.. but I am just so lazy.. Never mind.. will leave it till next time..

Friday, January 12, 2007

Kelvin and family!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My 5 modules

Yippeee!! Finally Got all my modules after 4 days of war.

Bidding for modules via Cors is never easy. As usual, this semester, I will be taking modules with a variety of people like Weiyang, Weiying , Yuxing, Kitying, Rena and Dorcas. And once again, Hoiting will still remain as my schoolmate.(WE ARE NOT FRIENDS! heee)

I'm looking forward to the opening of school. Like I say, I forsee a good semester ahead. And I am sure if there is any hiccups, I will brave through it. :P

Booo... this semester, they have not uploaded the ivle workload for two of my modules yet. Humph! The lecturers are getting lazier or are they postponing one week before the first lecture starts? Ok. I am dreaming again.

boohoo...I have 6 hours break on Monday and I end at 9 BUT I have Weiying to accompany me! Yippee.. We are going to mug hard in the library and wait for eye candy.. hahha..


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Cors sucks big time!

Sobzz.. outbidded for two of my GEK modules. Don't even have enough to put as the minimum bid. Biz law exhuasted all my available resources.

Anyway, had a chat with Yicong just now. And I came up with a new new year resolution which I will keep to myself. I'm so happy and I will work towards it this year! It shall be a great semester!!!

I must learn to think think and think!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 with a big smile

It is a brand new year - and it will be a good one.

Looking through my past blog entries, I realised I have as much happy moments as well as sad ones.

1) I made and lose some important friends in life.
2) I learnt to be more independent and to love myself even more.
3) I found myself intrigued in the world of neuropsychology which I most probably will be pursuing in the future.
4) I spent more time with my parents.
5) I learnt to think (thanks to hon)
6) I grew fiercer. *Roar*

Changes which I need to make
1) Snap out of my world
2) Think more
3) Socialise more
4) Drink more water
5) Be less blur
6) Be more polite

I have a feeling it will be a great year ahead! And I will make it a great semester!

Jiayou! Aza Aza!

And I miss you so!

MAgical Workshop 2006